Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Holiday Home Work

Sabhari got some Holiday Home work and here iam sharing it with you all .

Week 1
Mon - Draw a scenery using standing and sleeping lines.
Tue - Learn making pin and brown colours by mixing two different colours
and paint a picture using these colours.

Wed - Help mummy lay the table
Thur- Try and make a colourful figure using various shapes of

Fri - Dance to your favourite songs.
Sat - Visit a museum or a planetarium

Sun - call a friend to spend a day at your house.
Week 2
Mon - Learn to open and close your bag and water bottle and hang them on your
shoulders / neck.
Tue - Make a card for your grandparents expressing your love for them.

Wed - visit a place of worship and learn a prayer.
Thur - learn to dress and undress yourself
Fri - Draw and colour a butterfly using fingerprinting
Sat - learn your residential address and phone number.
Sun - Help papa was or clean his car.

Week 3
Mon - Press 5 flowers and dry them to make a card for papa.
Tue - Help your brother , sister or cousin in any activity of their choice.
Wed - Learn to wear your socks and shoes.
Thur - Make a picture by pastin different pulses.
Fri - Have fun playing with sand.
Sat - visit your grandparents house.
Sun - Make a family tree and paste pictures of alla your family members.

Week 4
Mon - Help your grandparents n a task of their choice.
Tue - Make your own music using various containers - plastic , tin , glass etc.
Wed - Dra your favourite dress and colour it.
Thur - practice wearing your socks and shoes.
Fri - Jun 5 th Environment Day Make a suitable chart and discuss with your parents
Sat - visit the Zoo
Sun - paint a flower , house or any other picture on a plain T- shirt.

1. Dust your room
2. grow a plant -water it daily and observe.
3.make a picture using the technique of paper tearing and pasting
4. watch a movie with your family.
5. paste pictures of things that you use to keep yourself clean a story alaong with papa
7. shop for yourself with your parents.
8. Draw a picture of a place you visited during the vacation.
9. help mummy tidy your cupboard.